PT Adira Finance Apply Microservices
for Autoscale Ability

Adira Finance

PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk or Adira Finance was founded in 1990 and began operations in 1991. Adira Finance serves a variety of financing such as motor vehicles, both new and used. As a subsidiary of Bank Danamon, Adira Finance is part of the MUFG Group which is one of the largest banks in the world.

FISClouds guided PT Adira Finance through the entire microservices journey, from technical to DevOps implementation solutions. The team also established a Center of Excellence (COE) to ensure the adoption of microservices in the organization.

The Challenge

The monolithic architecture of PT Adira Finance’s application made it difficult to scale the application to meet increasing customer demand. The challenge is migrating its monolithic architecture to a microservices-based system. This complex undertaking required expertise in microservices design, development, and integration. To successfully navigate this transformation.

The Solution

FISClouds applied the microservices architecture that significantly improved application performance, reducing response times and enhancing user experience. FISClouds’ COE empowered PT Adira Finance’s team with the knowledge and skills to effectively design, develop, and manage microservices applications. Paving the way for long-term success.

The Results

FISClouds’ expertise and commitment to excellence were instrumental in PT Adira Finance’s successful migration to microservices. The partnership enabled PT Adira Finance to unlock the full potential of microservices architecture, driving business agility, innovation, and growth.

This project is to lead migration from monolith to microservices, Adira needs guidance about how to migrate smoothly. Also, build scalable architecture microservices. FISClouds comes to help design starting from software design and architecture design. FISClouds guide them on how to write clean code, unit testing, and CI/CD deployment.

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